Like before, the event offered a combination of speakers that we regard to be world leading thinkers within their specific field of specialisation, as well as some of our own investment managers sharing their thoughts from the front line. The conference was attended by over 200 persons and was held at the Astrup Fearnley Museum in Oslo, followed by drinks at the roof-top of the Thief Hotel.

This year we kicked off with Ms. Meredith Jones telling you the “truth” about the myth-infested hedge fund world. We followed up with two investment managers, Svein Høgset and Trond Hermansen, sharing their thinking and investment ideas. Next out was Dr. Amlan Roy who has specialised in how demographics affect pension plans, macro fundamentals and policy effectiveness. Following a networking lunch, Mr. Andrew Lees kicked off with the theme “Living a Lie”. His thinking evolves around the lack of productivity and innovation prevalent in the world today and the true reasons behind. We followed up with our investment manager Jannik Arvesen and Sector’s co-founder Peter Andersland. Finally, we offered one of the world’s most sought after economic historians, Dr. Niall Ferguson, who talked about the great degeneration of western powers.


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